I have seen many developers facing problem with version control system. I’ve worked on many projects and different git branching model.

In this blog post you will learn a successful git branching strategy and release management.

Let’s take a look on the below git branching and release flow -

Git normal flow

In the above flow -

  1. Development, release and hotfix branch fork from master.
  2. Every feature branch fork from development.
  3. Feature branch merge back to development.
  4. Development branch merge to release branch.
  5. Bug fixing while testing done in release branch.
  6. Release branch merge to master. (master branch will go to production.)
  7. Add tag for release on master branch.
  8. Release branch merge to development.
  9. Rebase all feature branches those are not in master.

In case of hotfix on production, use below flow -

Git hotfix flow

In the above hotfix flow -

  1. Fork hotfix branch from master
  2. Fix bug in hotfix branch
  3. Merge hotfix to master
  4. Add tag for hotfix
  5. Merge hotfix to development
  6. Rebase all feature branch those are not in master.

Commands used for this strategy.

  • Fork new feature branch from development
        $ git checkout development
        $ git checkout -b feature_branch 
        $ git checkout -b feature_branch development
  • Merge feature branch to development
        $ git checkout development
        $ git merge --no-ff feature_branch

    --no-ff is used for no fast forwarding, It will create a merge commit 
    rather then put all commit on development branch. This avoids losing 
    information about the historical existence of a feature branch.
  • Adding tag
        $ git tag -a 1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0 release"

    -a for add
    -m for message (optional)
    You can also use the -s or -u <key> flags to sign your tag cryptographically.
  • Rebase feature branches -
        $ git checkout feature_branch 
        $ git rebase <source_branch/tag>
        $ git push origin feature_branch
  • Delete local feature branch
        $ git branch -d feature_branch
    It throws an error if the branch is not merged to any other branch.
    If you need to delete an un-merged branch then use -D instead of -d.

Hope this helps

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